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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Communicable diseases; local boards of health and health officers; powers and duties
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 21, TITLE 1
§ 2100. Communicable diseases; local boards of health and health
officers; powers and duties. 1. Every local board of health and every
health officer shall guard against the introduction of such communicable
diseases as are designated in the sanitary code, by the exercise of
proper and vigilant medical inspection and control of all persons and
things infected with or exposed to such diseases.

2. Every local board of health and every health officer may:

(a) provide for care and isolation of cases of communicable disease in
a hospital or elsewhere when necessary for protection of the public
health and,

(b) subject to the provisions of the sanitary code, prohibit and
prevent all intercourse and communication with or use of infected
premises, places and things, and require, and if necessary, provide the
means for the thorough purification and cleansing of the same before
general intercourse with the same or use thereof shall be allowed.