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This entry was published on 2018-07-13
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Maternal depression
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 25, TITLE 1
§ 2500-k. Maternal depression. 1. Definitions. As used in this

(a) "Maternal depression" means a wide range of emotional and
psychological reactions a woman may experience during pregnancy or after
childbirth. These reactions may include, but are not limited to,
feelings of despair or extreme guilt, prolonged sadness, lack of energy,
difficulty concentrating, fatigue, extreme changes in appetite, and
thoughts of suicide or of harming the baby. Maternal depression may
include prenatal depression, the "baby blues," postpartum depression, or
postpartum psychosis -- the severest form.

(b) "Maternal health care provider" means a physician, midwife, nurse
practitioner, or physician assistant, or other health care practitioner
acting within his or her lawful scope of practice, attending a pregnant
woman or a woman up to one year after childbirth, including a
practitioner attending the woman's child up to one year after

2. Maternal depression information. (a) The commissioner, in
consultation with the commissioner of mental health, shall make
available to maternal health care providers information on maternal
depression. The information shall include, but not be limited to:

(i) a summary of the current evidence base and professional guidelines
for maternal depression screening;

(ii) validated, evidence-based tools for maternal depression

(iii) information about follow-up support for patients who may require
further evaluation, referral, or treatment including, when available,
information about specific community resources and entities licensed by
the office of mental health; and

(iv) information on engaging support for the mother, which may include
communicating with the other parent of the child and other family
members, as appropriate and consistent with patient confidentiality.

(b) The information on maternal depression shall be posted on the
department's website. The commissioner shall, in collaboration with the
commissioner of mental health, update and review the information on
maternal depression, as necessary.

3. Maternal depression treatment. The commissioner, in consultation
with the commissioner of mental health, shall:

(a) inform providers of the need to raise awareness about maternal
depression; and

(b) provide information on the department's and office of mental
health's websites regarding how to locate available providers who treat
or provide support for maternal depression including, but not limited
to, mental health professionals, other licensed professionals, peer
support, not-for-profit corporations and other community resources.

4. The commissioner shall make any regulations necessary to implement
this section.