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Community-based paramedicine demonstration program
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 30
* § 3018. Community-based paramedicine demonstration program. 1. The
department shall establish a community paramedicine demonstration
program to evaluate the role of emergency medical services personnel in
the delivery of health care services in the community in non-emergent

2. For purposes of this section, "emergency medical services
personnel" shall mean an emergency medical technician, or an advanced
emergency medical technician as defined in this article.

3. This program shall authorize mobile integrated and community
paramedicine programs presently operating and approved by the department
as of May eleventh, two thousand twenty-three, under the authority of
Executive Order Number 4 of two thousand twenty-one, entitled "Declaring
a Statewide Disaster Emergency Due to Healthcare staffing shortages in
the State of New York" to continue in the same manner and capacity as
currently approved for a period of two years following the effective
date of this section.

4. Such program shall include but not be limited to:

(a) authorizing emergency medical services personnel to provide
services within their scope of practice beyond settings currently

(b) authorizing emergency medical service personnel to provide
community paramedicine, use alternative destinations, telemedicine to
facilitate treatment of persons in place, and such other services as may
be approved by the commissioner.

(c) authorizing emergency medical services personnel providing
community paramedicine services, with prior approval of the department,
to administer vaccinations against influenza and COVID-19 pursuant to
non-patient specific orders and under the medical direction of a
licensed physician.

(d) nothing in this section shall be deemed to allow a person to
provide any service for which a license, registration, certification or
other authorization under title eight of the education law is required
and which the person does not possess, provided that any service being
excluded pursuant to this paragraph shall not include a service that is
within the scope of practice for the respective emergency medical
services personnel.

5. Upon the effective date of this section, the department shall
convene a stakeholder advisory panel including patient representatives,
health care facilities operating or utilizing community paramedicine
programs, emergency medical services providers and labor organizations
representing emergency medical services personnel, and labor
organizations representing nursing and other healthcare professional
titles affected by the demonstration program flexibilities to advise the
department to make recommendations on regulations and guidance that

(a) evaluate patient safety and standards of care for community
paramedicine programs participating in the demonstration program;

(b) establish criteria setting forth permitted tasks that can be
performed by each category of emergency medical services personnel;

(c) establish minimum training and competencies required for emergency
medical services personnel to provide patient care services; and

(d) work with the department to issue such regulations and guidelines
within ninety days following the assembly of the advisory panel.

6. The department shall submit a report on the demonstration program
on an annual basis to the speaker of the assembly, the temporary
president of the senate, the chairs of the assembly and senate health
committees, and the governor.

* NB Repealed June 22, 2025