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This entry was published on 2015-04-10
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Certificate of authority; limitation on continuing care at home contracts
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 46
§ 4605-b. Certificate of authority; limitation on continuing care at
home contracts. The number of continuing care at home contracts approved
on a certificate of authority shall be limited to:

1. The number of approved living units on the continuing care
retirement community's premises that are intended for ILU residents,
except that the council may approve additional contracts upon a
submission to the commissioner by an operator consistent with the
provisions set forth in section forty-six hundred five-a of this

2. The demonstrated number of continuing care at home contract holders
that can be supported in the existing or approved future capacity of the
adult care facility and skilled nursing facility consistent with the
provisions set forth in section forty-six hundred five-a of this
article; and

3. Conditions set forth by the New York state department of financial
services, based upon the superintendent's assessment of the following:

(a) the overall financial impact on the community; and

(b) the submitted materials set forth in section forty-six hundred
five-a of this article.