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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 3
§ 614. Definitions. The following terms shall have the following

1. "County", any county of the state other than one wholly embraced
within a city or any combinations of counties or parts of a county that
constitutes a health district.

2. "City", each city of the state having a population of one million
or more, according to the last preceding federal census.

3. "Municipality", a county or city.

4. "Governing body", the board of supervisors of a county or the
common council, city council or other legislative body of a city or

5. "Local commissioner of health", the officer who administers and
manages public health programs within a county who is appointed pursuant
to section three hundred fifty-one of this chapter and who has the
general powers and duties specified in section three hundred fifty-two
of this chapter and the commissioner of health in a city having a
population of more than one million.

6. "Public health director", a person, including a county health
director, who, with appropriate medical consultation, administers and
manages public health programs within a county, or a city having a
population of less than two hundred fifty thousand, and who meets the
qualifications as prescribed pursuant to section two hundred twenty-five
of this chapter.