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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Notice of petition; service on the Westchester county department of social services
Real Property Actions & Proceedings (RPA) CHAPTER 81, ARTICLE 7
§ 734. Notice of petition; service on the Westchester county
department of social services. In the county of Westchester, if the
local legislative body has, by local law, opted to require such notice,
service of a copy of the notice of petition and petition in any
proceeding commenced against a residential tenant in accordance with the
provisions of this article shall be served upon the county commissioner
of social services. Such service shall be made by certified mail, return
receipt requested, directed to an address set forth in the local law, or
pursuant to the provisions of the civil practice law and rules. Such
service shall be made at least five days before the return date set in
the notice of petition. Proof of such service shall be filed with the
court. Failure to serve the commissioner shall not be a jurisdictional
defect, and shall not be a defense to a proceeding brought pursuant to
the provisions of this article.