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This entry was published on 2021-08-13
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Medical care
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 5
§ 195. Medical care. 1. Each incarcerated individual shall be examined
by the attending physician or physicians as soon after admission to the
public home as practicable.

2. A medical record shall be kept for each incarcerated individual, in
which shall be recorded his or her condition on admission, the
physician's recommendation of the type of care to be given him or her
and any medical attention given to the incarcerated individual
subsequent to the examination on admission.

3. The physician shall be responsible for the medical care given
incarcerated individuals who are ill, and shall give such orders as he
considers necessary for their welfare. He or she shall (a) visit the
public home at regular intervals and shall re-examine the incarcerated
individuals periodically, as the need of the incarcerated individuals
may require,

(b) also visit the public home, on call of the superintendent, in case
of the illness of any incarcerated individual,

(c) make such recommendations to the commissioner of public welfare as
to changes, improvements and additional equipment as he may deem
necessary for the adequate care of the incarcerated individuals of such

4. Any physician who accepts an appointment as attending physician to
the incarcerated individuals of a public home shall be obligated to
carry out the provisions of this section. The commissioner may dismiss
an attending physician who fails to fulfill such duties.