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Provision of prenatal care services
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 11
§ 365-k. Provision of prenatal care services. 1. (a) The commissioner
shall establish standards and guidelines for the provision of prenatal
care services under the medical assistance program. In establishing such
standards and guidelines, the commissioner shall consider generally
accepted standards of professional practice, including, but not limited
to, standards issued by the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and shall consult
with prenatal care providers and other interested parties.

(b) The standards and guidelines established under this section for
providing non-invasive prenatal testing shall not limit availability and
coverage for a test based on the age of the pregnant patient, unless the
limit is explicitly called for by the generally accepted standards of
professional practice or is otherwise recommended by safety
communications or guidance issued by the United States food and drug
administration, the centers for Medicare and medicaid services, or the
United States department of health and human services.

2. For purposes of this title, "prenatal care provider" means a
medical care facility or public or private not-for-profit agency or
organization, physician, licensed nurse practitioner, or licensed
midwife practicing on an individual or group basis that provides
prenatal care or managed care plan that contracts with prenatal