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Medical Assistance For Needy Persons
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5

Section 363. Declaration of objects.

363-a. Federal aid; state plan.

363-b. Agreements for federal determination of eligibility of

aged, blind and disabled persons for medical


363-c. Medicaid management.

363-d. Provider compliance program.

363-e. Medicaid plan, applications for waivers and plan

amendments; public disclosure.

363-f. Electronic visit verification for personal care and

home health providers.

364. Responsibility for standards.

364-a. Cooperation of state departments.

364-b. Residential and medical care placement demonstration


364-c. National long term care channeling demonstration


364-d. Medical assistance research and demonstration projects.

364-e. Aid to families with dependent children homemaker/home

health aide demonstration projects.

364-f. Primary care case management programs.

364-g. Medical assistance capitation rate demonstration


364-h. Foster family care demonstration programs for elderly

or disabled persons.

364-i. Medical assistance presumptive eligibility program.

364-j. Managed care programs.

364-j-1. Transitional supplemental payments.

364-j-2. Transitional supplemental payments.

364-jj. Special advisory review panel on Medicaid managed care.

364-kk. Condition of Participation.

364-m. Statewide patient centered medical home program.

364-n. Diabetes and chronic disease self-management pilot


365. Responsibility for assistance.

365-a. Character and adequacy of assistance.

365-b. Local medical plans: professional directors.

365-c. Medical advisory committee.

365-d. Medicaid evidence based benefit review advisory


365-e. Optional or continued membership in entities offering

comprehensive health services plans.

365-f. Consumer directed personal assistance program.

365-g. Utilization review for certain care, services and


365-h. Provision and reimbursement of transportation costs.

365-j. Advisory opinions.

365-k. Provision of prenatal care services.

365-l. Health homes.

365-m. Administration and management of behavioral health


365-n. Department of health assumption of program


365-o. Provision and coverage of services for living organ


365-p. Doulas for Medicaid.

366. Eligibility.

366-a. Applications for assistance; investigations;


366-b. Penalties for fraudulent practices.

366-c. Treatment of income and resources of institutionalized


366-d. Medical assistance provider; prohibited practices.

366-e. Certified home health agency medicare billing.

366-f. Persons acting in concert with a medical assistance

provider; prohibited practices.

366-g. Newborn enrollment for medical assistance.

366-h. Automated system; established.

366-i. Long-term care financing demonstration program.

367. Authorization for hospital care.

367-a. Payments; insurance.

367-b. Medical assistance information and payment system.

367-c. Payment for long term home health care programs.

367-d. Personal care need determination.

367-e. Payment for AIDS home care programs.

367-f. Partnership for long term care program.

367-g. Authorization and provision of personal emergency

response services.

367-h. Payment for assisted living programs.

367-i. Personal care services provider assessments.

367-o. Health insurance demonstration programs.

367-p. Responsibilities of local districts for personal care

services, home care services and private duty


367-p*2. Payment for limited home care services agencies.

367-q. Personal care services worker recruitment and retention


367-r. Private duty nursing services worker recruitment and

retention program.

367-s. Long term care demonstration program.

367-s*2. Emergency medical transportation services.

367-t. Payment for emergency physician services.

367-u. Payment for home telehealth services.

367-v. County long-term care financing demonstration program.

367-w. Health care and mental hygiene worker bonuses.

367-x. Payment for violence prevention programs.

368. Quarterly estimates.

368-a. State reimbursement.

368-b. State reimbursement to local health districts;


368-c. Audit of state rates of payment to providers of health

care services.

368-d. Reimbursement to public school districts and state

operated/state supported schools which operate

pursuant to article eighty-five, eighty-seven or

eighty-eight of the education law.

368-e. Reimbursement to counties for pre-school children with

handicapping conditions.

368-f. Reimbursement of costs under the early intervention


369. Application of other provisions.