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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 2408*2
Access to court houses; expenses of court how paid
Uniform District Court Act (UDC) CHAPTER 565, ARTICLE 24, TITLE 1
* § 2408. Access to court houses; expenses of court how paid. The
judges of the court shall have access to and possession of the
court-rooms and court offices and other places provided by the first
judicial district for the transaction of the business of the district
court. It shall be an obligation of the first judicial district to
supply and pay for whatever may be necessary for the transaction of the
business of said court and the judges thereof, and to supply all proper
accommodations, books, stationery and furniture and to pay all salaries,
compensations and expenses and disbursements herein authorized; and the
proper county authorities shall annually include in the county budget
chargeable only to the first judicial district such sums as may be
necessary to pay the same. Only the members of the county board of
supervisors from the towns comprising the first judicial district shall
be eligible to vote upon the district court budget. All fees and other
revenue of the district court system shall be credited to the first
judicial district.

* NB There are 2 § 2408's