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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Time and place of holding court
Uniform District Court Act (UDC) CHAPTER 565, ARTICLE 24, TITLE 1
§ 2410. Time and place of holding court. It shall be the duty of the
first judicial district to provide suitable places for holding court in
accordance with the designation made by the board of judges as
hereinbefore provided. The judges assigned by the board shall hold court
in one or more parts in each district as established, and on such days
as fixed by said board and at places provided by the first judicial
district or, in the event of failure to provide such places, at any
places designated by the board of judges. If there is only one part of
the court in a district, the office of the clerk of such district and
the place for holding the court thereof may be located outside of the
district provided it is within fifteen hundred feet of the district
boundary line. Civil, small claims and criminal matters filed, made
returnable, processed or tried in such clerk's office or places for
holding court designated by the board of judges and located outside of a
district as herein provided, shall be deemed for purposes of this
charter to have been filed, made returnable, processed or tried in the
district for which such office or courthouse was provided. During the
months of July and August at least one part of the court in each
district shall be in session at least three days in each week to hear
civil and criminal cases, and shall try summary proceedings, actions for
wages and, on good cause shown, other actions where the rights of the
parties may be jeopardized by delay, and such other actions as the court
may deem proper to be tried; and except for illness each judge shall be
available for service as assigned by the board of judges during eleven
months of the year. The president of the board of judges shall assign
any judge or judges of the district court to perform without additional
compensation the duties of acting police justice in any village within
the first judicial district upon the request of the board of trustees