Senator Venditto Co-Sponsors Legislation on Behalf of Sandy Victims, Requiring the State to Report the Status of Unpaid Disaster Claims and Funds

Michael Venditto

May 29, 2015

New York State Senator Michael Venditto, (R, C, I- Massapequa) joined with his colleagues in the Senate and Assembly for a press conference to announce our bipartisan support for S.4694/A.7204, a bill that if passed and signed into law would provide the State Legislature with timely monthly reports detailing the status of all pending disaster claims by NY Rising.

The bill, sponsored by Senator Croci and Assemblyman Kaminsky, will provide transparency, accountability and will finally allow us to help our constituents get results.

"Our constituents, taxpayers and homeowners deserve better and by having more legislative involvement and oversight we can hopefully help to expedite the remaining claims and have a more efficient and effective process for any future disaster recovery," said Senator Venditto.

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