Senator Venditto Participates in Wyandanch’s National Night Out!
August 4, 2016
- national night out
- Wyandanch

Senator Michael Venditto dropped by Wyandanch Park to participate in the community’s 22nd annual National Night Out event. National Night Out is an opportunity for community members to meet with their local law enforcement representatives in order to build police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. For over 33 years, the National Night Out program has served over 18 million U.S. citizens and over 16 thousand communities. The event also honored several individuals for their commitment to making the Wyandanch community a better place.
“National Night Out is helping to make communities across the nation safer places to live, work and raise our families by promoting positive police-community relations and community solidarity. By working together, we can ensure that our neighborhoods remain safe and sound for ourselves and future generations.” Said Senator Venditto.