COVID-19 Important Information and Links

Dear Neighbor, 

As of this afternoon there are now 362,764 confirmed cases in New York State: 198,731 cases in New York City, 44,247 cases in the Bronx specifically, and 33,049 cases in Westchester County. Although cases continue to decline and the weather continues to get nicer, I would like to remind everyone that we must continue to practice social distancing and wearing face coverings. Wearing a face covering and socially distancing does not only protect you, but it protects your loved ones, and neighbors. Currently, there are a number of states that have reopened too quickly and are not wearing face coverings or socially distancing and are seeing a rise in cases. Let’s continue to work together to decrease the numbers, and prevent a second wave of infections. 

I would like to thank and applaud the men and women on the front lines who work everyday to ensure that society goes on. These men and women put themselves at risk, and we should do everything we can to protect them- by staying at home and ensuring that they continue to do their jobs and make this state function. I ask everyone to join in at 7:00pm everyday from their windows to clap for our essential workers. I want to thank the neighborhoods in the district, who have made it a habit to do this for our workers, and look forward to seeing all of the 36th district participate in this great event.