January 6, 2023
- capital project funding
Senator Persaud is inviting organizations serving in Senate District 19 (or serving SD19 constituents) to submit capital project funding requests for consideration.
Capital projects are investments in facilities which support arts, cultural, athletic, housing, childcare, educational, parks and recreational, transportation, port development, workforce training, employment development, tourism, community development, climate change mitigation, resiliency, environmental sustainability, and other civic activities. Capital projects may also include technology (computers, laptops, tablets) and other equipment.
Capital costs do not include administrative costs, programming, subscriptions, software, extended warranties, feasibility studies, maintenance and repairs.
How do I submit a proposal?
- Send a formal letter summarizing the request to Senator Persaud’s Albany office via email** to persaud@nysenate.gov and send a physical copy to:
Office of Senator Roxanne J. Persaud
Attn: Capital Funding Request
Room 409, Legislative Office Building
Albany, New York 12247
**email subject line should include “Capital Funding Request from [insert organization name]”
- Proposal documents must be a standard printable size of at least 8.5 x 11 inches (US letter). If sent electronically, the file must be in MS Word, PDF, or Excel format (where applicable). In your cover letter, your organization must identify its federal EIN, NYS OAG Charities Bureau Registry ID (if applicable), NYS Grants Gateway ID (required), and the physical address (es) of the project(s).
Additional need-to-know items:
- Capital projects must cost at least $50,000.
- Submission of a proposal or application does not guarantee a grant award.
- During the review of your proposal, you may be required to provide additional factual information about your organization and your proposal including, but not limited to: list of executive staff and board of directors, copies of various state and federal filings and proof of good standing with NYS Tax & Finance and the federal Internal Revenue Service.
- Any prospective grants issued by the State of New York are paid on a reimbursement basis pursuant to contracts and terms established by the administering agency, not by the Office of Senator Roxanne J. Persaud.
Questions? Send an email with subject line “Capital Funding Inquiry” to persaud@nysenate.gov
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