New York State Resource Guide for Caregivers in the Time of COVID-19

Originally published in Prevent Child Abuse New York

New York City-specific COVID-19 resources for parents.

The Five Protective Factors serve to mitigate the negative impacts of trauma. This Guide is organized by each of the Factors:

  • Parental Resilience: The ability to recover from difficult life experiences, and often to be strengthened by and even transformed by those experiences.  Parental Resilience is strengthened by problem-solving and finding ways to alleviate stress (deep breathing, taking a break, going for a walk).
  • Social Connections: The ability and opportunity to develop positive relationships that lessen stress and isolation and help to build a supportive network.  Accessing those people in your lives provides necessary emotional support and helps to alleviate your stress.
  • Concrete Support in Time of Need: Access to supports and services that reduces stress and helps to make families stronger.  Learn who is providing these services in your community and find out how you contact them.
  • Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development: The ability to exercise effective parenting strategies to guide and know what to expect as children develop in multiple domains (physical, cognitive, language and social and emotional).
  • Social and Emotional Competence of Children: Family and child interactions that help children develop the ability to communicate clearly, recognize and regulate their emotion and establish and maintain relationships.

For more resources, click on this link or refer to these telephone numbers or websites for further details:

  1. Hotlines and Helplines Child Abuse Reporting Hotline 1-800-342-3720*
  2. Domestic Violence Reporting Hotline 1-800-942-6906
  3. Prevent Child Abuse NY Parent Helpline 1-800-244-5373* *This is an information and referral line that can help direct you to the services you need. This is NOT the NYS Child Abuse Hotline.
  4. Mental Health Assistance 1-844-863-9314
  5. COVID-19 Websites NYS Parent Portal:
  6. NYS Department of Health COVID-19 Information: New York City-specific COVID-19 resources:

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