NY Law Requires Parents in Prison Be Housed Closest to Kids
NY Law Requires Parents in Prison Be Housed Closest to Kids
A new bill signed into law in New York will require incarcerated parents be housed in prisons closest to the home of their children.
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A new bill signed into law in New York will require incarcerated parents be housed in prisons closest to the homes of their children.
More than 100,000 children around the state have at least one parent in prison, many serving time in facilities several hours away from their families.
“Children should not be deprived of the opportunity to have a relationship with their parents because of incarceration,” said State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, a Brooklyn Democrat who sponsored the bill.
To read the full story, visit https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-york/articles/2020-12-24/ny-law-requires-parents-in-prison-be-housed-closest-to-kids