Senator Valesky Appointed to Advisory Board to Address Expanded Broadcast of Legislative Proceedings

David J. Valesky

September 17, 2009

ALBANY, N.Y.)--State Senator David J. Valesky (D-Oneida) was appointed to the Joint Advisory Board on the Broadcast of State Government Proceedings.

The eight-member, bi-partisan Joint Advisory Board will review how the Legislature can enhance the current Legislative TV Channel, launched in 2006, and provide more effective and informative programming about state government, based on the C-SPAN model.

“As elected officials, we can better serve our constituents by providing access to day-to-day legislative activities, including session, committee hearings and public hearings,” Senator Valesky, Vice President Pro-Tempore of the Senate, said.

This April, a report by the Senate’s Temporary Committee on Rules and Administration Reform, co-chaired by Senator Valesky, recommended the creation of a legislative television channel. The report can be accessed here.

Earlier this year, the Senate and Assembly established the advisory board by concurrent resolution (B.2775/C.787), to improve upon efforts to increase public access to the legislative process.

The advisory board is expected to address the technical, logistical and organizational challenges of expanding the channel’s coverage of state government and using it as a broadcast outlet for public policy and educational programming. In addition, it also will make recommendations about broadcasting and webcasting the Legislature’s committee meetings.
