Senator Michael Venditto urges State Assembly to stand with State Senate and Governor and stop the BDS movement

Michael Venditto

June 6, 2016

Senator Michael Venditto today called on the New York State Assembly to join its partners in government in ending doing business with entities that support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against the State of Israel.

Senator Venditto said, “Working with Senator Jack Martins and Senator Simcha Felder I am proud to lead the charge in making sure that we, as proud New Yorkers and Americans, stand by Israel. Executive action is not enough, however. We need to come together as a state and pass bill S6378A so that this can be codified into state law.”

Bill S6378A, sponsored by Senators Martins and Felder, expands existing state law to prevent New York from entering into a state contract or investment with those seeking to economically harm American allies.  

The bill passed the Senate on January 20 and has been in the Assembly since.

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