‘Ideal Conceal’ - “Not So Ideal” Senator Roxanne J. Persaud Condemns Pocket-Sized Guns; Made To Look Like Cell-Phones

For Immediate Release: March, 31st , 2016

“One of my first actions when I was elected to the State Senate was to call for more common sense protections for New Yorkers against gun violence. I firmly believe that elected officials have a responsibility to protect the communities and families we serve. One of the best ways to eliminate gun violence is with common sense control measures. That is why I am so alarmed about the ‘Ideal Conceal’ pistol that is now being marketed. This gun is designed to look like a cell-phone, which allows individuals the  ability to sneak it into even the most secure locations. This gun prototype is dangerous and I will work tirelessly to protect my constituents and all New Yorkers, from the obvious threat the ‘Ideal Conceal’ poses.”



NYDN Article: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/smartphone-shaped-gun-helps-owners-carry-occasion-article-1.2580536

