Statement from New York State Senator Daphne Jordan (R,C,I,Ref-Halfmoon): Senate Democratic Majority’s DREAM Act is a nightmare for New York’s hard working middle class families struggling to afford a college education

“The DREAM Act is a nightmare – and a slap in the face – for all the hard-working middle class families who play by the rules and struggle to afford the costs of a college education. The DREAM Act is a $27 million government giveaway of free college tuition to the children of ILLEGAL immigrants.

I stress the word ILLEGAL because I come from a 100% big, fat Greek family that came here legally. They gave their blood, sweat and tears and every cent they had to send each of their children to college. For middle class families that work hard, pay the taxes and play by the rules, the DREAM Act sends a terrible message. It says Albany values the children of ILLEGAL immigrants over them. That’s just wrong. Besides sending a terrible message, the DREAM Act means fewer resources available for middle class families, $27 million fewer.

I have two boys, one of whom will soon go to college and one who has been paying college loans for the past 3 1/2 years. Like so many parents, this summer and fall I spent hours upon hours filling out endless financial aid paperwork. I know firsthand what a struggle it is saving for a college education and how middle class families go deep into debt to make college a reality for their kids. I want to ensure that a college education remains within reach for middle class families. 

What we should consider for this year’s state budget is the provision of extra financial aid to more New York families, veterans and military heroes. In addition, we should also consider including in the budget loan forgiveness to recent college graduates who agree to work, live and raise their families in New York.

I am the proud grandchild of Greek immigrants who came to the United States LEGALLY in search of a better life and greater opportunities. I know we are a state and nation of immigrants because I’ve lived this experience and it’s shaped my entire life.

I voted NO on the DREAM Act because it will be a nightmare for our overtaxed, overextended middle class families trying to afford a college education. It’s a shame that this Democratic Majority and Governor are turning their backs on hard working taxpayers who followed the rules.”

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