Senator Roxanne J. Persaud, Assembly Member Jaime Williams and Council Member Alan Maisel Make Joint Statement Denouncing Gun Violence
July 14, 2020
July 14, 2020
--Joint Statement For Immediate Release--
Office: Senator Roxanne J. Persaud (SD-19)
Assembly Member Jaime Williams (AD-59)
Council Member Alan Maisel (CD-46)
Contact: Mr. Owen H. R. Johnson | ohrjohns@nysenate.gov | 718-649-7653
Ms. Ann Richards | richardsaa@nyassembly.gov | 718-252-9330
Ms. Li Zhu | LZhu@council.nyc.gov | 718-241-9330
Senator Roxanne J. Persaud, Assembly Member Jaime Williams and Council Member Alan Maisel Make Joint Statement Denouncing Gun Violence
(Brooklyn, NY) -- Senator Roxanne J. Persaud (D-Canarsie, East New York, Brownsville, Mill Basin, Sheepshead Bay, Bergen Beach, Marine Park, Flatlands, Mill Island, Georgetown, Ocean Hill and Starrett City) upon hearing of the recent shootings within her Senate District, is appalled by the surge in gun violence in New York City.
A few hours after I spoke at the George Floyd mural unveiling, about our community coming together and what it means when we say Black Lives Matter, a drive-by shooter shot five people at three locations within SD-19. To say that I’m angry is an understatement,” said Senator Persaud; “the lives of these five victims and their families will be changed forever by the deranged minds of individuals with no concept of life, love, nor community value.”
Senator Persaud continued, “This recent surge in gun violence on the heels of national protest for racial justice and equality cannot dampen or taint the positive progress our community has made during these troubling times. We have had too much violence and death over the past months, and we cannot allow it to continue unchecked. I am confident that the individuals who committed these crimes will be apprehended to face the fullest extent of the law. I will continue to work with my colleagues and community partners to ensure that this madness does not reoccur in our community.”
NYS Assembly Member Jaime Williams (D-59th AD) said, “The violence plaguing our city and state is a disease in and of itself. The need to preserve life and care for one another is more important today than in most times in America’s history and culture. I can not stress the fact that these individuals who fell prey to gun violence are not nameless; they are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, not a nameless statistic. We must come together, and we must combat this unnecessary wave of violence and replace it with love and respect for one another.”
Council Member Alan Maisel (D-Canarsie, Flatlands, Georgetown, Gerritsen Beach, Bergen Beach, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Mill Island and Sheepshead Bay) said, "Last night, there were multiple incidents of drive-by shootings in Canarsie. I was horrified and dismayed by this reckless behavior that left several people with gun wounds. Thankfully it seems that all of the victims will survive. No matter how many guns our New York City Police Department take off the streets, there seems to be a never ending supply of illegal guns coming into the city. These illegal guns of course wind up in the hands of criminals who have no regard for human life. Enough is enough!"
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