Statement From Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick On Court of Appeals Decision in Redistricting Case

Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick

December 13, 2023

The decision from the NYS Court of Appeals on the congressional redistricting case is nothing short of a profound disappointment.

The ruling blatantly neglects the fundamental principles of fairness and equitable representation, casting a shadow over the very essence of our democratic foundations. The impact of this decision should not be underestimated, as it diminishes the collective voice of millions of New Yorkers who ardently sought fairness, transparency, and accountability in the redistricting process. Furthermore, it has become evident that the Democrats installed Chief Judge Rowan Wilson to the Court with the exclusive intention of redrawing these maps.

Unfortunately, this marks the beginning of a period defined by partisan decision-making within the highest court of New York. The consequences of the insertion of party politics into our courts will be disastrous, undoubtedly breeding skepticism about the court's dedication to impartial and principled governance. This decision has made me and many New Yorkers wholly uncertain about the stability of future elections and the legal integrity of the decisions coming out of our highest court.