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Identification card program
Correction (COR) CHAPTER 43, ARTICLE 2
§ 11. Identification card program. 1. For purposes of this section,
"identification card" shall have the same meaning as defined in section
four hundred ninety of the vehicle and traffic law.

2. The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner of motor
vehicles, shall develop a program that would allow incarcerated
individuals without an identification card, or incarcerated individuals
who have not been issued a driver's license or learner's permit by the
commissioner of motor vehicles, or incarcerated individuals whose
driver's license or learner's permit is expired, suspended, revoked or
surrendered, or incarcerated individuals whose identification card is
expired, to obtain an identification card prior to the incarcerated
individual's release from an institution or correctional facility under
the jurisdiction of the department or upon the individual's release from
an institution or correctional facility under the jurisdiction of the
department at the option of the incarcerated individual.

3. The sentence and commitment or certificate of conviction of an
incarcerated individual shall be deemed sufficient to grant
authorization to the department of corrections and community supervision
to assist an incarcerated individual in an institution or correctional
facility under the jurisdiction of such department to apply for and
obtain an identification card from the department of motor vehicles.

4. (a) Prior to an incarcerated individual's release from an
institution or correctional facility under the jurisdiction of the
department, the department shall notify the incarcerated individual,
verbally and in writing, of such identification card program. The
department shall also document that they offered to assist the
incarcerated individual in obtaining an identification card and if such
incarcerated individual declined. The department shall make diligent
efforts to ensure that an incarcerated individual is provided with an
identification card, if requested, prior to or upon the release of such
individual from an institution or correctional facility under the
jurisdiction of the department.

(b) If an identification card is obtained with the assistance of the
department for an incarcerated individual prior to such individual's
release from the department's custody, the identification card shall be
kept in the incarcerated individual's records until such individual is
released from an institution or correctional facility under the
jurisdiction of the department; upon such individual's release, the
identification card shall be provided to the individual.

5. The department shall collect data on the number of incarcerated
individuals participating in the identification card program and issue a
report on such data to the governor, the temporary president of the
senate and the speaker of the assembly annually until December
thirty-first, two thousand twenty-six.