Senator Helming Joins with Highway Superintendents and Crews to Advocate for Road and Bridge Funding

Senator Helming joined area town and county Highway Superintendents and crews to advocate for adequate funding for safe roads and bridges through programs like CHIPS, Extreme Winter Recovery, and PAVE-NY.

Senator Helming said, "We must ensure our communities have the necessary resources to repair, improve, and maintain local roads, bridges and other infrastructure. These investments keep our roadways safe for all who use them, and support business development and economic growth in our region. I am proud to stand with our highway superintendents and my colleagues in the Legislature to advocate that this funding be a priority in the state budget. Thank you to our dedicated, hardworking highway crews for keeping our roads safe and our communities strong.”

According to TRIP, a national transportation research nonprofit, aging roads and bridges cost New York motorists $28 billion annually – in our area, that’s about $1,700 per driver.