Statement From Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick On The Signing of the Bill Ending Local Elections

Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick

December 22, 2023

In another blatant display of prioritizing Hochul Control over Local Control, the Governor just signed legislation that mandates certain local elections outside of New York City to be held in even-numbered years.

This is nothing more than a power grab disguised as efficiency, and this poorly thought-out legislation will serve no purpose other than further eroding community autonomy. By stipulating when local elections must happen, the state legislature is overtly undermining local communities’ ability to choose the most suitable timing for their elections.

Albany persists in demonstrating a profound disregard for the distinctive dynamics and needs of Long Islanders. These are not governed by a random two-year cycle - rather, they are shaped by their specific challenges and circumstances and should remain as such.