04 Mar 2021

Joint Public Hearing: To hear about the difficulties of taxi drivers and livery drivers across New York State

SUNY Sullivan

Virtual Public Hearing 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, 12759

02:00 PM to 08:00 PM Archived Video

Joint – Senate Standing Committee on Labor
Senator Jessica Ramos
and Senate Standing Committee on Transportation
Senator Timothy M. Kennedy
and Senate Standing Committee on Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions
Senator Leroy Comrie
Public Hearing:  To hear about the difficulties of taxi drivers and livery drivers across New York State
Place: Online: https://www.nysenate.gov/events 
Time: 2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m
Contact:  Esther Rosario, (224) 760-6474
Media Contact: Senate Majority Press Office (518) 455-2415; 

Subject:           The Difficulties of taxi, black car, ridesharing, and livery Drivers across New York State

Purpose:          To investigate the transforming taxi industry and the struggles that drivers, lenders and industry leaders are facing.

The New York State taxi industry is at a crossroads for its survival. Drivers face compounding issues of taxi medallion owner debt and a nosedive in their value, while ride sharing services who treat drivers as independent contractors are expanding rapidly. Additionally, the Covid-19 pandemic has presented drivers with health and safety concerns, and decreased profit margins.

In 2013, New York City taxi medallions were selling for as high as $1.3 million at auction. A year later, the speculative bubble around taxi medallions burst. Today, these same taxi medallions are being auctioned and valued for as low as $70k, leaving drivers hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, bankrupt, and with all their savings gone. New York Times reporting discovered that the city of New York promoted and helped auction these medallions at inflated prices. At the same time, drivers have reported lenders providing them with risky loans while being encouraged to refinance those loans, without fully understanding terms of the loans. All of this took place under the watch of federal, state and city banking and industry regulators who failed to act or acted too late. Questions remain as to what the state could have done and could do to make sure that another bubble is not created.

Additionally, the explosion of ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft has further dominated the industry and challenged livery and cab drivers' old business model. Ride share drivers now make up over 80,000 drivers in New York City alone. These companies classify their workforce as independent contractors, arguing that workers benefit from scheduling flexibility and workplace freedom. Contrastingly, advocates argue these companies have misclassified their workers and left workers without basic labor rights. Recently, the New York State Appellate court ruled in Vega v. Postmates that drivers should be classified as employees in terms of their eligibility for unemployment insurance. Concerns still remain as to whether drivers should receive employee status and how these companies should interact with old business models across the state.

The Postmates decision mandating all ride sharing companies contribute to the unemployment system comes as COVID-19 ravages the health and economy of communities. Throughout the pandemic the federal government has provided taxi drivers with unemployment benefits- without companies contributing tax dollars- through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program. Medallion driver revenue is down 81% from last year according to city data. Also while drivers are public facing essential workers, at risk of contracting COVID19, they have been left off the early rollout of approved vaccination list. Questions remain as to the best way to provide for the health and economic well being of drivers.

The Committees seek to receive input from stakeholders across the State related to the handling of the NYC taxi medallion driver debt crisis, the growing need to regulate ridesharing companies labor  policy and market absorbition, and driver safety requirements and standards including access to vaccinations.

YouTube Video

past Labor committee events

04 Feb

21 May

13 May

07 May

20 Mar

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02 May

25 Apr

28 Feb

31 Jan

10 May

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

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5:00 PM

04 May

Labor Meeting

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5:00 PM

28 Feb

Labor Meeting

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4:00 PM

18 May

Labor Meeting

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4:00 PM

27 Apr

Labor Meeting

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5:00 PM

16 Mar

Labor Meeting

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4:00 PM

09 Feb

Labor Meeting

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5:30 PM

19 Jan

Labor Meeting

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6:00 PM

20 Jul

Labor Meeting

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6:00 PM

03 Mar

04 Feb

14 Jan

30 May

07 May

09 Apr

27 Feb

12 Feb

22 Jan

22 May

12 Feb

22 Jan

21 Jun

06 Jun

22 May

01 May

27 Mar

06 Feb

07 Jun

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Rooom 124 CAP

4:00 PM

24 May

16 May

03 May

07 Mar

01 Feb

01 Jun

Labor Meeting

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4:00 PM

18 May

Labor Meeting

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Senate Capitol Building

4:00 PM

27 Apr

Labor Meeting

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Senate Capitol Building

4:00 PM

09 Mar

Labor Meeting

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Senate Capitol Building

4:00 PM

03 Jun

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

12 May

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

4:00 PM

28 Apr

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

4:06 PM

03 Mar

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

5:09 PM

27 Jan

Labor Meeting

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Senate Capitol Building

5:00 PM

03 Jun

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

4:00 PM

21 May

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

4:00 PM

22 Apr

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

4:00 PM

15 Apr

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

4:00 PM

27 Feb

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

5:00 PM

21 Jun

Labor Meeting

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Senate Capitol Building

6:42 PM

20 Jun

Labor Meeting

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Senate Capitol Building

3:06 PM

05 Jun

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

01 May

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

18 Apr

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

01 Mar

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

31 Jan

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

18 Jan

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

07 Jun

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Senate Capitol Building

2:30 PM

24 May

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

03 May

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

13 Apr

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

1:00 PM

05 Apr

Labor Meeting

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Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

15 Mar

Labor meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

3:30 PM

01 Mar

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

07 Jun

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building, Room 309

3:30 PM

17 May

03 May

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building Room 309 LOB

3:30 PM

12 Apr

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building Room 309 LOB

3:30 PM

15 Mar

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building Room 309 LOB

3:30 PM

22 Feb

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building, Room 309

4:30 PM

01 Feb

Labor Meeting

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Room 309 in the LOB

4:30 PM

20 Jan

Labor Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Room 332 in the Senate CAP

4:00 PM

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